How Mac’s Trucks Stood Firm Against The Spread Of Covid-19

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The rapid spread of Covid-19 sent shockwaves across the globe. Entire countries went into lockdown as fear of the virus brought our usual way of life to an abrupt and dramatic halt. As the country entered lockdown with Prime Minister Boris Johnson urging people to stay at home and prevent the spread of the virus, Mac’s Trucks, like all businesses across the UK, entered an uncertain and unprecedented period.


Initially, the phones just died – and we had an influx of customers wanting to postpone and cancel their orders. Looking back, we can put this down to the shock and uncertainty of the pandemic. After all, nobody knew what the future would bring and people did all they could to safeguard their own livelihood.


As the crisis dominated the headlines, as a reputable company we worked diligently to ensure all staff, not on furlough for medical reasons, were able to work in a safe environment. However, after the initial period of two to three weeks, things changed once again. The phones started to ring again, and they started to ring at an alarming rate. So much so that sales staff were swiftly brought back from furlough and, while adhering to the latest and stringent government guidelines, we began supplying our loyal customers with their vehicles again.


As people were on furlough, or working from home, we experienced a huge demand for domestic and commercial waste vehicles as Brits started to renovate homes and gardens, potentially using money that would have been spent on family holidays.


The way we shopped also changed dramatically and food shortages, not to mention toilet roll, became the norm for a period of time. However, in turn with the increasing consumer demand, the demand for vehicles to meet the logistics increased. Consumers started to shop online more than ever with companies having to change the way they supply consumers. The logistics and changes during this time were heavily reliant on the distribution of products and waste, all of which use HGV vehicles to meet the demands.


As a company, we are incredibly proud about how we have stood up and faced this global pandemic. We have been forced to change and adapt our approach in order to ensure that we can provide a solution for all our customers. Covid-19 may have shook the world, but we are still standing firm and ready to provide our customers with the best fleet of trucks around.


New Appointments To The Mac’s Trucks Team


Mac’s Trucks is pleased to announce two new additions to our expert sales team.

Firstly, we would like to welcome Alex McDade. Alex is the grandson of Alec and son of Adrian, but let’s be clear, this certainly doesn’t cut him any slack. Alex has worked in the yard as a Saturday boy and has just completed a two-year apprenticeship in HGV mechanics.


Having been brought up around trucks, Alex has an excellent knowledge of HGV vehicles, which has been enhanced by his recent apprenticeship. Although only 18, Alex has a natural way of working with customers to ensure they purchase the right truck for their needs.


Also joining the sales team is Tom Frizzel, who has worked as a parts manager with Mac’s for the past three years. At Mac’s Trucks, we like to promote from within when we feel colleagues have the work ethic which we desire in our staff.


We identified Tom as being a valued member of the Mac’s team and he felt he had the right technique to succeed as a salesman. Tom has an excellent knowledge of HGV vehicles, which he is currently working hard to rapidly expand. Having dealt with retail service and parts customers, Tom has impressed us with his excellent customer service skills.


Both Alex and Tom have had professional sales training prior to commencing their roles and we wish them every success in their new roles at Mac’s.


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